Selection Criteria

  • The applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia.

  • Applicants can be enrolled in journalism or communications studies at an Australian university OR recently graduated.

  • Applicants may have been in the media industry for a year or less when applying.

  • Recent journalism or communication graduates who do not receive most of their income from journalism may also apply.

  • Proof of enrolment/graduation is required if applicable.

  • Undergraduate or postgraduate students will be eligible..

  • A demonstrated passion for journalism.

  • An excellent academic record.

  • Excellent presentation, research and writing skills.

  • Knowledge of and familiarity with Microsoft Office, G Suite and digital publishing programs.

  • The ability to be part of a busy collaborative environment.

  • Work experience or contribution to wider community projects will be viewed favourably. 

  • The successful applicant must be able to participate in the scholarship for the entire 12-week period and complete the full 12 weeks of the placement.

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